The first shonen series by acclaimed author Yuu Watase, creator of Fushigi Yugi and Absolute Boyfriend! In a mythical world where humans and gods coexist, a ceremony marking the new governing princess is about to occur for the first time in 60 years. Only a girl from the Hime Clan may take this position, but the lack of females born to this family means that a boy called Arata must pose for the role. Meanwhile in modern-day Japan, a boy named Arata Hinohara is starting his new life in high school. He wants to put memories of his difficult past behind him, but things aren't going to be simple when he discovers a mysterious connection to the first Arata... Arata Hinohara and his friends enter the territory of Kikutsune, one of the Six Sho, a group comprised of Arata's most formidable adversaries. The greeting they receive from Kikutsune's lieutenants is anything but friendly, and only Arata, by sheer chance, escapes injury. This, however, does little to help him figure out how to defeat Kikutsune & if that's even possible! Reads R to L (Japanese Style) for teen audiences.
Language: EnglishFormat: Paperback
Pages: 192
Author: Yuu Watase, Yuu Watase (Illustrated by)
Publisher: Viz
Size: 7.5 in W x 5 in H x 0.6 in T
ISBN: 9781421553801
Release date: 10 December 2013