Horror, Comedy, and Romance Made in Heaven Yuu Watase, the immensely popular writer/artist of the Shoujo (girl's) fantasy smash Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play, has turned her creativity and wry sense of humor to the horror genre with her anime/manga hit Ceres: Celestial Legend. Aya thought she was a normal teenager until she discovered that she can transform into a vastly powerful heavenly maiden named Ceres...But Ceres is furious and out for revenge!In the Line of Fire...and BrimstoneYuhi, a relatively popular guy at his school, has his life interrupted by the ominous premonition of his beautiful sister-in-law, Suzumi. She sends him to rescue spunky Aya Mikage, who is under a death sentence by her own family! Suzumi relegates Yuhi to protect the high-spirited coed, but he doesn't know that two personalities dwell within Aya's body--herself and the legendary celestial maiden, Ceres! Yuhi complains about Aya all the time, but gets jealous when the handsome mystery man Toya is around. Could it be that he actually has feelings for Aya?
Language: EnglishFormat: Paperback
Pages: 200
Author: Watase, Yuu
Publisher: Viz
Size: 5 x 7.5
ISBN: '9781569319819
Release date: 07 January 2004