Rena Sakura is a high school student with a secret: she's a professional mangaka. And although she's never been on a date, that doesn't stop her from drawing steamy shojo scenes for Chami magazine. But when the gorgeous Tomoya Okita finds out her secret, she finds herself asking him out to get some real-life experience in love!Rena asks Tomoya to be her boyfriend, hoping that gaining some experience in dating will help her improve her manga. Rena is positive that Tomoya is only dating her to help her out, but that doesn't stop her from falling in love...
Language: EnglishFormat: Paperback
Pages: 200
Author: Chitose Yagami, Chitose Yagami (Illustrated by), Nancy Thistlethwaite
Publisher: Viz
Size: 5 in W x 7.5 in H x 0.7 in T
ISBN: 9781421513737
Release date: 02 October 2007