R to L (Japanese Style)Becoming a ninja is just a childhood dream for sixteen-year-old Recca, until a fateful encounter reveals he has inherited ninja powers, including the ability to wield fire! As Recca learns to master the ancient ways of his ancestors, he is drawn to protect a mysterious girl named Yanagi...Team Recca isn't alone in the battle for Heaven and Hell. As the transformed Koran Mori gloats over his impending victory, Kurei crashes the party--and he's brought a six-pack of vengeance. And when Aoi faces an enraged Recca, she has to decide once and for all where her loyalties lie. Who will make it to the final standoff against Koran Mori...and on which side will each warrior fight?
Language: EnglishFormat: Paperback
Pages: 192
Author: Nobuyuki Anzai, Nobuyuki Anzai (Illustrated by)
Publisher: Viz
Size: 7.5 in W x 5 in H x 0.6 in T
ISBN: 9781421522029
Release date: 12 May 2009