A critically-acclaimed yuri manga series for fans of Girl Friends and Citrus! Kase-san and Bento is the second release from Hiromi Takashima 's ongoing yuri series about a high school romance between the clumsy, flower-adoring Yamada and the exuberant Kase-san, the school 's track and field star.This multi-volume yuri manga series consists of stand-alone volumes that can be read in any order, making this the perfect edition for one-shot readers and series collectors alike.Yamada may be shy and rather clumsy, but the flower gardens at her school have always brought her happiness. Suddenly, a different sort of beauty catches her eye �the vivacious track star Kase-san. Although the two girls don ' seem to have much in common, they soon start a romance where each must learn an important lesson in tending their budding relationship. Can the two girls, so different from each other, learn how to make their first love blossom?
Author:Hiromi Takashima
Publisher:Seven Seas
Size:8.3 in H x 6.3 in W x 0.6 in T
Release date:23 May 2017