The supernatural drama based on the anime by acclaimed director Kunihiko Ikuhara (Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Sarazanmai). And don ' miss the novels, also from Seven Seas! When high school girl Himari Takakura escapes the clutches of death thanks to a quirky spirit inhabiting a penguin hat, she gets a new lease on life �but there 's a catch. In order for her to stay alive, her twin brothers (with the help of three penguins) must track down a strange object called the PENGUINDRUM and in doing so, delve into the mysteries of their very existence.
Author:ikunichawder, Kunihiko Ikuhara, Isuzu Shibata (Illustrated by), Lily Hoshino (Illustrated by)
Publisher:Seven Seas
Size:7.2 in H x 4.9 in W x 0.6 in T
Release date:03 December 2019