A new manga from the creator of the acclaimed A Silent Voice, featuring intimate, emotional drama and an epic story spanning time and space In a new age, Fushi befriends a teenager named Yuki. In the comforting safety of Yuki 's home, Fushi gathers his comrades one last time. As the days pass, Fushi also meets a descendent of Hayase named Mizuha. He laughs, feasts, and ponders what new emotions and encounters await Before long, however, a troubling encounter sends ripples of doubt through his quiet life.Series Overview: A lonely boy wandering the Arctic regions of North America meets a wolf, and the two become fast friends, depending on each other to survive the harsh environment. But the boy has a history, and the wolf is more than meets the eye as well To Your Eternity is a totally unique and moving manga about death, life, reincarnation, and the nature of love.
Author:Yoshitoki Oima
Publisher:Kodansha Comics
Size:8.2 x 5.8
Release date:July 20, 2021