A vampiric romantic comedy...?After a lifetime of hardship due to a curse placed on him by his grandfather, all Ryouta wants is to be left alone. However, when he wanders into the mountains to find some peace and quiet, instead he finds a town taken over by vampires! To make matters worse, one of its residents, a haughty (and rather eccentric) girl, soon sets her sights on him with the goal of making him her servant. Now, Ryouta has a choice to make-escape back to his old life in Japan or live out his days as the minion of Shiren Fuyukura in the quirky town of Akinomiya.An absurd new adventure from the author of I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level!|A vampiric romantic comedy...?|After a lifetime of hardship due to a curse placed on him by his grandfather, all Ryouta wants is to be left alone. However, when he wanders into the mountains to find some peace and quiet, instead he finds a town taken over by vampires! To make matters worse, one of its residents, a haughty (and rather eccentric) girl, soon sets her sights on him with the goal of making him her servant. Now, Ryouta has a choice to make-escape back to his old life in Japan or live out his days as the minion of Shiren Fuyukura in the quirky town of Akinomiya.||After a lifetime of hardship due to a curse placed on him by his grandfather, all Ryouta wants is to be left alone. However, when he wanders into the mountains to find some peace and quiet, instead he finds a town taken over by vampires! To make matters worse, one of its residents, a haughty (and rather eccentric) girl, soon sets her sights on him with the goal of making him her servant. Now, Ryouta has a choice to make-escape back to his old life in Japan or live out his days as the minion of Shiren Fuyukura in the quirky town of Akinomiya.||An absurd new adventure from the author of I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level!|Kisetsu Morita is the author of I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years.|Kisetsu Morita is the author of I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years.
Language: EnglishFormat: Paperback
Pages: 208
Author: Kisetsu Morita, Hiroki Ozaki (By (artist))
Publisher: Yen On
Size: 8.2 in H x 5.5 in W x 0.8 in T
ISBN: '9781975305628
Release date: December 3, 2019